The Signal: EP123 – Easy as A-B-C, it’s our one hundred and twenty-third installment. Don’t worry. You don’t have to have listened to the first 122 to understand this one. It’s just music. There’s no continuity. It’s just 45 minutes (exactly) of songs that go well together according to the person who put them together— and to be honest, he’s kinda biased, so see for yourself. Right-click the image or link at the start of this paragraph to download.
The link to the mix would usually be available for a limited time, but we’re sort of in-between hosting solutions, so you might luck out. This file might still be there even if you’re reading this in the distant future, during a break from foraging for food or hiding from roving gangs of Water Bandits. Good luck out there, future Signal-kateers! Stay safe! Stay underground!
The track list is embedded in the mp3 itself or, if you like, you could sign up to join our mailing list: The Tuned In. They’re the first people in the world to be told there’s a new Signal mix and they get member benefits link a link to a permanent archived copy of the Signal mix, plus a full track list.
About half the artists here can be found on Bandcamp, so if you hear something you like, there’s more where that came from.