Hey, Free Chains!

The boys was digging up a trench and found a coffin that was chained up and we’re thinking: nice! Free chains.

Everyone got their share of links and we’ve finally got chains on stuff that hasn’t had chainsĀ ever.

Unrelated: some nocturnal creature’s been picking us off one by one and, like, the first thing this thing did was smash up that coffin we found and, like… rude.

Turns out the coffin was empty, which is weird for how heavy it was when we got those chains off it.

i just want my home office space back

Been sending my kid off to so many summer camps and somehow never pick one where a murderer comes out of the lake or woods or whatever

The kids going to catch on eventually that I’m the one putting notes in his luggage saying “try premarital sex and also drugs, what’s the worst that could happen parents suck!”

familiar swans

It’s Tuesday and we all know what that means. It’s time to take our elderly relatives down to the river to examine the swans, to see if any of them look familiar.

It’s been years since the river spirits turned some of the village’s biggest jerks into swans and it doesn’t seem like we’re getting any better at recognizing a regular swan from a transformed swan who has “learned their lesson.”

But the old folks get some sun, seeing if any swans respond to their former names.

Inbox (1)

can’t help but notice you bought a belt from us last week

would you like to buy a belt from us this week? sure, we know the last order hasn’t even arrived at your house yet, but maybe you’ve spent the interim dreaming of belts

here are three possible belts and they are 15% off, does that help

this could be the start of a new Life of Belts for you, you could be The Belt Guy to all your friends, you could tell them about the wonders of our belts with our referral code BELTSBELTSBELTSBELTS

witchfinder problems

If you got yourself a witchfinder problem, do what we did. We had all the young ladies tell the witchfinder that our witches could turn into toads, sent’m down to the toad pond. Spent weeks down there demanding the toads change back to face Christ’s judgment.

Next witchfinder comes along, we say “we’ve just got the one witch, they hang out at the pond yelling at toads.”

Cancels out.

pony up the cash

Guys, is there such a thing as the Curse of the Tomb of Bigfoot?

I thought it was an Egyptian thing, or was just made up for pulp fiction adventure, but this dead sasquatch is telling me it’s real and unless I pay them twenty bucks, I… am…. hosed.

Robin Hood Prime

I don’t mind being waylaid by highwaymen when journeying by carriage. I always carry a silk purse of the King’s coin on me, but there’s more where that came from, and I come away with both my life and a story.

But lately the highwaymen have been asking me to rate and review them saying “it helps the forest’s algorithm” and I must say, I’m at a loss. Where does everyone else stand on this question? And does anyone know anything about how to safely remove a crossbow quarrel from one’s leg?

my amnesia guy

my buddy watts: i got so many regrets… so many things I want to forget

me: you don’t have an amnesia guy? i’ve got a guy. you want me to make an introduction?

my buddy watts: sounds like a plan

me [dialing my friend luce]: yo luce you still got that comically big hammer and impeccable aim?

luce: [the sound of reckless hammering]

it’s a journey

When I first logged into the internet, you had to fast for 48 hours, then drink a bitter tea that made you throw up. They’d roll you up next to a fire and behind your eyelids, the tumbling world, the bottomless sky and the internet would talk to you.

It would tell you that your concerns were so small and the universe so large. It would tell you of a thing called a Bonzi Buddy (a kind of mechanical elf made of higher dimensions).

And you never wanted (or needed) to go online again.

stay safe out there

Please, this year for your RPG holiday parties, do not Drink a Yard of Dice out of a Glass Boot.

Yes, the various shapes will feel delightful dancing across your tongue and tumbling down your open throat, but the human body is a terrible dice tower.