man it’s only been 3 weeks and already I’m so nostalgic for when we’d all get together with no social distancing, dress me up in rags and straw, drag me through jagged cornfields and leave me out for the Summer Queen to devour after rising from her deep winter burrow, crushing my bones and blessing the harvest
Category: Words Words Words
Not the Cursed Magical Tome You Were Looking For (1d6)
1) Granny Pigrose’s Charcoal Sketches of Beaus
2) Prophecies of Sunken Cities (abridged, all city names removed)
3) Jerf’s Merjical Spallbuck
4) Frog Gods and Their Resale Value
5) Guestbook of the Ghuls
6) Card Tricks and Other Tricks (Latin edition, bound in blood and bone)
Don’t Touch That, It’s Dirty: A Treasure Table You Shouldn’t Touch (1d6):
1) A golden goopbird’s pin feather
2) Intracranial coin purse
3) The Tongue Key
4) Bottle of elk bile labeled “98% pure”
5) Enok’s Skin Book of Skin Samples (unexpurgated)
6) Gem-eater’s bezoar (unripe)
They Don’t Serve What You Want. Here Drink This (1d6):
1) Lem’s Knuckle Gin
2) 18 Snake Wine Soda
3) Bandit Spit
4) Empty Glass Rental (hourly rates discounted)
5) The Luckiest Gull (sparkling)
6) A bottle marked Poison but we just reuse bottles, don’t worry so much

text in image: a screenshot of a poll where the question posed is “how many clowns fit in car” and the available options are “many clown,” “cl01n,” “what is car,” and “all, somehow, how”
You guys can tell me: Do I come off as approachable? Please leave all responses in writing outside my den, weighted down with a smooth stone, and then back away while continuing to face my den so I don’t see your back, triggering a “pursuit” reflex.
how are we losing?
Nothing worse than surrounding the guy who broke into your warehouse, but having social anxiety about when you should jump in to punch and kick them because you “don’t want to step on anyone else’s moment” and “there’s not technically a queue” so you’re just reading body language and hoping for the best, and in the meanwhile he’s beating everyone up 1-on-1 even though we have the numbers on our side.
game concept: alien zoo
Game concept:
A Jar, A Leaf, A Twig
Natural Habitat
Players are in a zoo for humans. Amazing tech has simulated a human environment, but there are hints that show that things aren’t as they seem (which can be collected as a meta-currency to find a way out). Game scenarios can/should be written by writers representing a particular subculture that not everyone playing is familiar with: a Christian summer camp, a hawker fair in Singapore, a research lab, an American mall.
Players must pick up clues like “a youth counselor would not be playing Metallica on acoustic guitar” or “shu mai would not be served with avocado as a primary ingredient” and then find their way out of their cage.
Every X play sessions, they may find themselves actually back on Earth, to “keep them healthy.” This will either be very frustrating or very paranoia-inducing.
Playbooks could include:
The Blackfish – gain advantage if you can identify and kill a zookeeper
The Breeding Pair – gain advantage when working as a team
The Mascot – gain advantage from zookeepers ’cause you’re so cute
Join a Legion
It’s a good day to join a legion and get sent to a remote post, chatting on the top of a wall, guarding against nothing, making up a new back story every time someone asks for yours, wearing a spiffy uniform and sighing at the horizon.
I’m from the ocean. I’m from the plains. I’m from the woods. I’m from the snow.
a scenario for adventurers lvl 0 (or worse)
Nothing is going on in town. Why not go check out that sword that people say “sucks?”
- 8 maps
- 4 factions
- bestiary
- full color
- a useless sword
- words words words