GANGS OF THE SUNKEN PALACE (by order of resources)

1) Poison Girls
2) The Eighteen and One
3) Manny’s Chicken Hut Buck-AWK
4) We Are Not A Gang We Are Nothing At All
5) Reds
6) Bone Rollers
7) Elliot, With A Bat
8) A Dropped Quarter
9) The Aerated Fronds
10) Us, You and Me, If You Say Yes And Join My Gang, I’m On My Knees, Just Us

paperback from hell

Horror drippy blood font:


green wash background of beach sand and in foreground is a coconut, but the coconut has been carved so it looks like a SKULL

pull quote along bottom: “I’ve never been more scared of a nut… or more nuts about a scare!” [find writer from same publisher to attribute quote to]

Plot: Coconuts figure out how to kill. Let the contract writer figure out the rest. FALL 2019 release.

paperback release MSRP $5.99


Top three curses you’re gonna want to have in your shop window, or you’re not going to make it in this town:

) Nose Puddle
) They Were Looking At You The Whole Time
) It’s Always Someone’s Birthday

You get those down, you’re all set. Bills will be paid. Lucky horseshoes will crack as you pass by.

You go your own way? Try to write a new bullpucky curse like Daffodil’s Lament? Or Tears of Mt. Fallen?

This town will swallow you whole AND you’ll lose that lease.



1) Out of fuel
2) Too much fuel
3) Think you saw aliens
4) Definitely saw aliens
5) Suspect you might be the real aliens
6) Cryochamber malfunction
7) Hypochamber malfunction
8) Scent Therapy Chamber malfunction
9) Doppelganger protocols
a) Only one doppelganger
b) So many doppelgangers
10) So you think you’ve got “space madness”…
11) Why the self-destruct button isn’t attached to anything
12) Suggested soundtracks

Duskwall Residents (Blades in the Dark sketches

The Bishop of Antlers: Most often seen as a horned silhouette on rooftops, this bandit works with the local orphan community to organize thievery (when the orphans aren’t too busy kicking rat corpses for sport). The antlers are from a stuffed stag head that can be worn on the head or back and are festooned with keys on rings & strings that match the locks of innumerable hidey holes, save houses, previously robbed locales.

Gray Caps: A faction consisting of mushroom farmers, known for their facility at disposing of unwanted bodies via their dark and private grow caves.

Leviathan: A pit fighter, named after the demon-blooded ocean inhabitants. Has someone’s tooth stuck in their forehead. Mouth leaks black viscous liquid. Has probably had an unfortunate encounter with leviathan blood that has marked them in some way.

genre fiction

As the torch drips in the dark passageway, the archaeologist of the group pores over the ancient glyphs.

“As I thought. This squiggly bit here looks like a doggy.”

As the wizard watched his entire occult library go up in flames– a hazard for those who stick candles in skulls and expect them to never fall over– he could be heard muttering to himself “Oh, I do hope it turns out the magic was inside me all along.”

far far away

The space rogue sneered over the space poker table. “Ha! The only thing in this world that I trust is my laser pistol.”

“You need to work on those trust issues,” piped up the laser pistol from under the table.

“I know,” said the space rogue.

“You can’t just rely on me. It’s not healthy and you end up moody and withdrawn.”

And just like that, the pre-gunfight lacuna got awkward.