movie trailer

FRAMED … for a crime she didn’t commit!

MUMMIFIED … by a prison gang of rogue Egyptologists!

EXPLODED … into freedom by an overturned dynamite truck accident near the prison!


She’s wrapped in rags and looking to find the REAL killer… the TRIVIA KING of WEST RAPIDS, who’s on a winning streak and headed to the NATIONALS!


Rated R

alive in the 80s

The way the cord on land lines used to curl, twisted up from all the pacing, dangling from the phone’s wall mount in strange loops.

The extending and pivoting of “rabbit ears” on the TV, hisses rising and falling in static, never quite resolving into clarity. The heavy “chunk” of a changed channel, the dial settling heavy into place, resistant to any further change without steady pressure.

The rubber-band tension holding an action figure together, no matter how you twist their legs. The fixed grimace of the hero, freed from a blister pack prison, a slim comic falling out behind them as they fall free. The cut-here dotted line on the cardboard backing with a three sentence backstory. Enough to fuel worlds of imagination.

The wide freedom of a parking lot at night, every adult and their car long gone, carving wide circles on bikes, pedaling under the curved humming lamps. Tires on gravel, tires on grass. Bunny hops off the curb that go nowhere.

The one kid that has pegs on the back wheel, but they leave their little brother at home when night falls, so there’s no one to stand on the pegs, hands on the kid’s shoulders, the front wheel swinging hard to pick up speed with the extra weight.

The strange country that is a girl’s room when you’ve only known boys’ rooms. A cousin, maybe, and the parents have shooed you out of the room where the wine bottles are opening. The dolls with the colored hair, smelling like fruit, smelling like candy. Tiny plastic combs. Books about girl detectives.

A girl who knows girl games and has no idea how you fit into them, so you look at dolls and learn their names and from the other room, the laughter of adults.

There’s a pool. Swimming later.

Cassette tapes came without cases, packed vertically in a plastic sleeve, bright red stickers saying Made in China. Two fingers resting on the Play button, the Record button, waiting for the DJ to shut up before pressing down hard, the chunking click of the head hitting tape as you get /most/ of your favorite song off the radio.

Later, the ballpoint wiggles, not wanting to commit ink to the tape’s label, the slick sticker repelling the name: SUMMER 88 JAMS

So many tracks where the DJ comes back before the song’s over, before you can punch the Stop button.

You tried the trick where you press Pause, then Play/Record, but coming off pause causes a spinning-up distortion, like the song’s a cartoon coyote revving up to catch a cartoon roadrunner, bowls with brightly colored breakfast cereal turning the milk colors, Saturday morning and the pajamas stay on ’til noon when the cartoons finally run out.


Tired of paying name brand exorcists to stop by your haunted house with their fancy holy symbols, arcane texts and pale eyes, knowing you’re just helping pay for another sage-scented yacht or diamond-encrusted tomb ward?

<Click here> to subscribe to our exclusive newsletter to learn how to drive away spirits at a FRACTION of the cost using only common household items.

Tex’s Coffin Warehouse

Come on down to Tex’s Coffin Warehouse!

We got ALL kinds of coffins! Don’t believe us? Huh… well, how about we prove it then? Check THIS out!

Available now:

  • Mahogany
  • Pine
  • Chocolate
  • T*H*E* V*O*I*D
  • T*H*E* V*O*I*D (deluxe)
  • Flames on the Side (goes faster)
  • A bunch of birds glued together in a box shape
  • One bird glued to you then we toss you down a well
  • Tex’s personal coffin (’cause he ain’t ever gonna need it ’cause he ain’t never gonna DIE, darlin’!)
  • Redwood
  • Fern
  • Reverse Coffin (can’t be buried in it ’cause it already has a baby inside, hence the name)
  • And More!


Thanks for supporting my Kickstarter to build a crazy straw long enough to drink the water on Mars!

Let’s look at some unlock goals!

$300K – Free crazy straw sanitizer for all backers, ’cause we’re all using the same straw and I don’t want us to all get sick

$600K – sTiCkErS!

$900K – I will cancel this Kickstarter and go live in a cave, living on a diet of your money which I will also sleep on

sponsored content

Is your blood… dirty?

Do you have dirty DIRTY blood?

How can you know?

C’mon down to the abandoned mini-mall that used to have the check-cashing place and for the low low fee of a coupon from a pizza parlor for free garlic bread, our expert blood handlers will descend from the eaves and perform a simple diagnostic.

You don’t have to live with dirty blood anymore!

Don’t be the last person on your block with dirty, filthy, nasty blood in your body!


“”I’ve got three roommates, you think I’d care if one of them was an angry ghost?”

“The hardest thing to believe about that movie wasn’t the creepy doll moving about the house, but the fact that anyone lives in a house at all.”

an endless sea of other worlds

Imagine, if you will, another world much like ours, but where the word for “murder” is “burger.”

“Detective, thank goodness you’re here… there’s been a burger!”

“Please have everyone gather in the study. Don’t let anyone leave.”

The detective calmly smokes a pipe, staring into a fireplace. As everyone settles down, she turns. “Thank you all for joining us here. I’m afraid none of you may leave, because one of you… is a burgerer!”

Pretty crazy, right? It’s enough to make Rod Serling puke.

make a wish

Look, I like to give to charity as much as anyone, but are you sure this child’s dying wish was to strap me to an obsidian bench and carve out underneath my ribs such that I “form a portal through which the White and Cold Eternal Flower will bloom, enter this world and ring bells with its deep roots that can never be unrung”?

health tips

) drink water, but not water what’s got stuff in it already, just the regular kind can’t look back at you

) dirt don’t hurt

) move your limbs and if you’re too tired, try and grow some new limbs instead ’cause limb growth’ll burn calories too

) affirmations: look into a mirror and say “At least I ain’t that sorry 2D em-effer.” Then high-five that flat bastard, it ain’t their fault they’s stuck in a mirror

) purge the unbelievers with fire and sharp stones

) be grateful #tips