masked killer

okay, campers, there’s a masked killer on the loose, so it’s important that you all know one thing:

their mask is terrible. complete dogshit mask. like a blind carpenter hammered it together while having a (probably fatal) fit.

like if you got one of those kaleidoscope tubes but filled it with shit. fractal shit. all the way down, to the microscopic level, this mask is just awful.

not scary at all. amateurish. 100% clown shoes mask. shameful.

small town livin’

To you, it’s a visit to a backwards town full of suspicious locals harboring a dark secret. To us, it’s Wednesday and a new nosy dipshit thinks they’re owed something ’cause they had gas money and time to poke around.

Get your own dark secret.


Best thing about going to church when I was kid was looking for marginalia in the Bibles where someone might have put the secret name of an angel that, when read aloud, would blast you out of the pews and up on to the roof where eyes the size of the sky could see you wriggling in agony on the roof tiles.

note to self: stop buying mansions sight unseen

Angrily berating my real estate agent because the mansion they sold me (on the strength of its secret passages behind bookshelves and under stairs) is actually alive and all those passages are either lined with teeth or dripping with acid. RIDICULOUS!


It’s Wednesday and we all know what that means! Time to hustle down to the train station, black the station windows and hide the station name so the Train of Souls won’t stop here, disgorging the stale milk-smelling spirits of ancient tourists to stroll our Floral District, warping the petals with their spectral hands despite all the DO NOT TOUCH signs hammered into the soil.

Darkness Below the Ice

A Darkness Beneath the Ice is a terrible RPG I improvised as I wrote while drinking beer in the Ocean View brewery in Albany, CA. It was inspired by Dan Simmons’ THE TERROR as well as the front of the postcard I was scribbling on.

What I didn’t expect was that a stranger on Twitter would take the time to program this game into being using Python, but when @mypantsaretorn pinged me to let me know the “meta is broken” I found that my terrible game idea was now something that could be compiled and played… whether it warranted the effort or not.

Didn’t expect that at all.

Moon’s Shot

I wrote an adventure for Troika! It’s fun! It’s about a group of adventurers who think they’re going to the Moon, but it turns out it’s hard to get to the moon so the techs who were supposed to manage the project decided instead to send the expedition to an underground cave they disguised as the Moon.

Much easier to lower a rocket via rope and pulley than blast it up into the sky.

Withdrawn From Circulation

The world of shadows needs a wider pool of spooky and cursed books to choose from and that’s why we present Withdrawn From Circulation, a sourcebook zine for any horror or dark fantasy game. In it you’ll find a selection of six horrible magical objects,  system agnostic and ready to be slipped into your favorite RPG’s  Secret Library or onto the dais of whatever Squid Cult you’re using.

Features contributions from Michael Van Vleet, Aaron King and Gabriel Robinson! Design by AJ Summers.