There are libraries of knowledge to be discovered and lingered over in a simple cup full of urine. Skin only gets in the way.
• Tiny l’il cups
• Urine spectroanalysis mechano-tongue
Advanced Skills
Truth 4
Drugs 3

I may have failed to kill Moby Dick in life, but in death I shall be avenged when that great devil-cetacean comes to pass water upon my very grave.
ALT: I may have failed to kill Dracula after a life of pursuing him across the continent, but in death I shall be avenged, for I have proffered to that slick-haired fiend an invitation to enter my grave plot, an honor to which he shall be supernaturally compelled to take advantage.
There was about half a year
where I was often alone
in the office and
I wouldn’t bother
to turn the lights on
I’d make coffee in the dim
kitchen and pretend
it was the apocalypse already
imagine the windows blown out
and an unobstructed view
of the lake below
but I still wasn’t ready
for the pandemic and never going back
for grocery shopping with
fogged glasses
and empty
maybe ’cause all the
lights were
still on