from Dakota McFadzean
Fragment: Left Behind
It sounds exciting when the scientists say they want to copy your brain to run a robot that they’re gonna send to another planet, but then the robot is out there in space having the adventures and you’re still on this dying meat planet, so whatevs. I don’t even care that they didn’t pick me.
Americans on Mars 1983
Mass Retweet: Sending a Message Edition
Mass Retweet: L’il Plays Edition
Book Review
Last week, after a post-work dinner with colleagues, I split from the party because I spotted a book store across the street promising from its window “a vortex of books”.
The shop owner was a super nice guy, so I figured– even though I have enough books piled up to make it through a snowed-in Russia-in-the-1900s-style winter– I’d ask him to recommend some local writers.
Sure, my usual preference is for books where at some point, at least once, a gun will be pointed at someone. Maybe a pistol, maybe a laser gun.
Instead, I got a novella published locally by a guy who ran a successful zine for years and teaches at a local community college. It’s the story of a heavyset married guy who ends up on a cross-country trip with a flaky pregnant girl. He spends a lot of time thinking about his son, who he recently found out exists, because the girl he knocked up never told him that she kept the child. The tone is “mildly amusing” and “discover the wonders of life” in equal parts.
And it was fine, it was fine. It had a rough start.
I was almost thrown out right at the end of the first chapter, which includes this bit:
Sonny felt his belly groan and worried about his own bowels. It had been almost two days since his last movement. As he waited, he looked at the sky, afire in reds and yellows, and wondered how he’d managed to find himself on the Interstate 80 west of Toledo. He knew that stories always have antecedents, that stories are the sublimations of desires and regret.
Did he? Did he know that stories always have antecedents? Fuck off. That’s page 3. Who thinks like that? MFA writers, mostly. Before their peers tell them to knock it off. Is this main character a writer?
Nope. Guidance counselor.
Then, over the course of the rest of the 100 page book, I came across 5 typos. Easy stuff, like spelling “soldier” as “solider.” As if the tiny publishing press has no editors. Maybe they don’t.
I thought about writing on Goodreads about how this book was so-so, and lost points for sloppy editing, so my final thought was “this was sure a book” but then I thought… the world doesn’t need to know this. And authors read their reviews and it’s not his fault he was let down.
Life is wonderful. Literature is illuminating. Stories are magic.
Warp Speed: SciFi Background Noise Generator
With the simple adjustments of a few sliders, you can create the soundscape you need to pretend that you’re humming along in space.
a) Lurching once an hour to recreate “evasive maneuvers”
b) Putting your hand in pudding to recreate “first contact” with a boneless species
c) Making “pew pew” noises while pointing your index finger, your thumb raised
d) Holding your breath because there’s no air in space
The Signal: EP114
The Signal: EP114 – On repeat, forever, a music mix to last ’til everything we know is dust and gravity surrenders. All other mixes can be shuffled off to homes, to play with every lost dog, to watch every soap opera, to eat spaghetti on the same day every week.
As with the previous 113 mixes, this one is available for a limited period of time. The image above links to a page where you can download it. It’s 45 minutes of music, and this time out we’ve got: a choral group team-up featuring artists from Tuva and Bulgaria, electronica, hip hop, rock from Australia, surf music from Spain, reggae from Argentina, pop in Portuguese from San Francisco, and meditations on forever. If you want to know details, you’ll find the tracklist in the id3 tags.