The Signal: EP169

The Signal: EP169

The Signal: EP169 – Exactly 45 minutes of music to accompany the dawning horror that this mask may not come off. This is your life now, so aren’t you lucky it’ll have Turkish psych-rock, steel drum hip hop covers, Japanese pop, lo-fi beats, French rap and more?

Download by clicking on the link (or image) above. The file is available only for a limited time. If you’re interested in the tracklist, it’s in the mp3 itself, in the id3 tags. 

Striptease Frankenstein [a TROIKA! background]

Your creator failed to give you purpose and so you found your own: to make of your stitched-together flesh a paean to passion.

• Easily removable outfit
• Charging station

Dance 4
Romance 2
Pathos 2
Science 1

after us

There was about half a year
where I was often alone
in the office and
I wouldn’t bother
to turn the lights on

I’d make coffee in the dim
kitchen and pretend
it was the apocalypse already

imagine the windows blown out
and an unobstructed view
of the lake below

but I still wasn’t ready
for the pandemic and never going back

for grocery shopping with
fogged glasses
and empty

maybe ’cause all the
lights were
still on

Cupid Wrangler: Troika! background

A bonnet-wearing woman with a sly expression toting a cupid in a custom carrying case.

Whether clearing an infestation or delivering a trained one for a targeted love connection, you’re a trusted pro when it comes to these winged pests.

Advanced Skills:
Cupid Lore 4
Trapping 3
Romance 1

1d3 cupid traps
Wet wipes
Mangled book of love poems

new year’s resolutions (draft)

  • Lure the sailors aboard The Merry onto the rocks, drag them down
  • Fulfill promise to sea crone who crafted my gills and fins
  • Make NEW promise to sea crone for jelly wings
  • Read 10 books
  • Revenge myself upon the seaside town of Baylock, swooping over them with dripping wings, snatching up babies
  • Lose some weight
  • Get betrayed by sea crone, dissolve into foam


A Scratched CD-R Found In An Abandoned Sleigh Labeled “REINDEER JAMZ” – Exactly 45 minutes of xmas music you didn’t know you wanted to hear, picked with the imp of the perverse spinning the ol’ music genre wheel. We’ve got rock, pop, blues, sure… but we’ve also got Christmas reggae, Halloween monster holiday cheer, drum-n-bass, dubstep, vaporwave, a weather report, punk rock and a musical program from a children’s psychiatric hospital.

If that sounds like the holidays to you, click on the image or link above to download and enjoy! Tracklist is in the file’s id3 tags.

The Signal: EP168

The Signal: EP168 – Exactly 45 minutes of tunes to close out one of the longest decades of this year. This time around we’ve got some pop archeology, “library music,” Turkish funk by way of Sweden, a one-man band, an unpronounceable electronic alter ego and much much more!

Download by clicking on the link (or image) above. The file is available only for a limited time. If you’re interested in the tracklist, it’s in the mp3 itself, in the id3 tags. There’s a mailing list as well but I’ve stopped using the platform I used to use, so for now I’m just sending it from my personal email. To get added, you’re going to have to actually reach out to me. Mailing list members, The Tuned In, are among the first on the planet to know when a new mix is posted, and they get a permanent archive link and the entire playlist, delivered to your inbox. Can you imagine?

How to Purchase Games on Itch and Give Them to Strangers

a guy holding a microphone... it's just decoration so this post isn't all text, don't worry about it

Did you know you can purchase games on Itch that you can give to ANYONE? All you need is access to a burner email address. Here’s how it works:

1. Find an RPG designer you love and pick one of their games on itch. It may even be on sale! Doesn’t matter if you already own the game.

2. Purchase the game—and maybe thrown in a tip!— and click the “Give this [game] as a gift” checkbox. <– Very important

3. Go through the steps of payment, however you’re paying. You’ll be prompted to give an email address for your recipient. Enter your secondary/burner email address. NOTE: Make sure you have access to this email account! Do NOT use the email associated with your Itch account!

4. Click the Send Gift button and an email will be sent to your secondary email account. Go open that email inbox to receive the confirmation email.

5. In the confirmation email, right-click and copy the email address behind the “download page” link.

6. Paste that link somewhere publicly. The first person to click on it will claim the gift and add it to their itch account. Easy!

NOTE: I suspect that you can’t use the same email address twice because all subsequent purchases to that email will go to the person who claimed the first gift… the email is likely now associated with their account. Best practice: use new emails for each public gift

TIP: If you have a Gmail account, you might be able to take advantage of this trick: and go to the same inbox, but are treated as distinct email addresses in other systems.

Add a + and some new words to your email and you can invent infinite email addresses!

Categorized as Webloggery

Stop Doomscrolling

Hey. This could be a good week to step away from the news, gather some supplies, take a month-long ride on a boat to Darkskull Island, and finally capture the creature known as the Ape of Blood and Mist that has eluded all others from time immemorial. Practice self-care.

Categorized as Webloggery