What Inspires Me? Uh…

One recurring theme in my creative influences is I truly appreciate creators who make it plain that there are no rules or guidelines or limitations on what can be created. I frequently worry that all I come up with are tropes, that I’m following along channels carved by others, like water seeking the easiest path downward. It’s probably true.

Reminders that it doesn’t have to be that way are a welcome counterbalance.

1) Vaporwave artists – Everyone knows what this is by now, yeah? Bedroom producers taking music that was previously “invisible”– mall music, synth garbage, smooth jazz– and like dub producers adding weird production to make the invisible visible and alienating. Music for haunted corporate spaces. Elevators with no doors. They create and discard personas at will, name their tracks unpronouncable things, sell 20 albums for pay-what-you-want, plunder CD-ROMs for graphical inspiration. It was and is a punk anti-corporate musical subgenre for something that sounds the way it does.

2) William S. Burroughs and the espontaneo. I had never had any interest in the Beats, but an artist I admired said NAKED LUNCH was actually funny, so I figured I’d check it out. There’s a bit in there where Burroughs is telling the story of a ridiculous surgeon, Dr. Benway, bragging about how surgeons have it easy these days, etc. etc. and then I hit this stretch:

A young man leaps down into the operating theatre and, whipping out a scalpel, advances on the patient.

DR. BENWAY: “An espontaneo! Stop him before he guts my patient!”

(Espontaneo is a bull-fighting term for a member of the audience who leaps down into the ring, pulls out a concealed cape and attempts a few passes with the bull before he is dragged out of the ring.)

Again: there are no real rules, right? Burroughs wanted to use this bull-fighting term, so he used it, but he also wanted you to know what it meant so he just– completely interrupted his narrative to put an inline footnote. This blew me away. It’s a small thing, but this gesture of contempt toward narrative conventions stays with me.

3) Itch. I mean, dang. Look at all those games.

4) Coffee. Just… gettin’ real jittery.

5) The grim spectre of Death. I could talk about this one for a while, but I won’t.

remaster the classics

All these old video games getting remastered but no one has remastered the classic game “King Cobra” where a kid has to move on their knees to tag other kids but only if they set foot on the front lawn. We all know this classic game from CA in the 80s from in front of my house.

The Signal: EP163

The Signal: EP163 – Exactly 45 minutes of music transmitted to you by unknown, eldritch methods from parties with ineffable designs. We’ve got indie synthpop from Spain, experimental rock from Australia, skull-rattling bass, Bollywood beats, post-punk dub and more!

Download by clicking on the link (or image) above. The file is available only for a limited time. If you’re interested in the tracklist, it’s in the mp3 itself, in the id3 tags. Or, if you sign up to be a member of our mailing list, The Tuned In, you’ll be among the first on the planet to know when a new mix is posted, and you’ll get a permanent archive link and the entire playlist, delivered to your inbox.

Meanwhile, on Spotify:

Devil, Aim For Me: On Sale Now!

Hop on your steed and head out after the bank robber Bantam! Seek your own doom in the pursuit of fortune in this self-contained adventure!

The Signal: EP162

The Signal: EP162 – Exactly 45 minutes of sounds for enclosed spaces, for the isolated and foot-tapping, a smooth slice into the water. This time around we’ve got funky beats, UK punk, Funaná from Cabo Verde, sublow, a pop cover, a garage rock reinvention of an English folks song, and more!

Download by clicking on the link (or image) above. The file is available only for a limited time. If you’re interested in the tracklist, it’s in the mp3 itself, in the id3 tags. Or, if you sign up to be a member of our mailing list, The Tuned In, you’ll be among the first on the planet to know when a new mix is posted, and you’ll get a permanent archive link and the entire playlist, delivered to your inbox.

Many of the tracks from this mix can be found at Spotify. Not all, but quite a few.

full moon transformation, what are you, a child?

Adulthood is realizing that the werewolves were out there every night, bones cracking as eldritch energies wrenched them from their human form, twisting them into something new and terrible… it’s just that it took a full moon to SEE them back then.

Now we have light bulbs.

those were the days and we didn’t even know it

man it’s only been 3 weeks and already I’m so nostalgic for when we’d all get together with no social distancing, dress me up in rags and straw, drag me through jagged cornfields and leave me out for the Summer Queen to devour after rising from her deep winter burrow, crushing my bones and blessing the harvest


If you play Trophy Dark, the award-winning scenario I wrote for the game is now available for sale over on Itch! And if you don’t play Trophy Dark, it’s never too late to start!

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