choo choooooo

Rich enough to run a train around my whole property along the property line in lieu of a fence. Rich enough to hire a professional hobo to ride that rail, chewing on genetically modified straw, blowing sad lonesome tunes through the harmonica equivalent of a Stradivarius. Rich enough to pay someone else to rig the bridge with dynamite so I can push the plunger and send the whole train to hell and I’m going to do it someday. Or pay someone to do it, which is like: Close enough.

new character

Been working on a character recently, who I call “My Roommate Dracula.” I think I’m really getting the voice down. Goes something like this:

“I don’t sound ANYthing LIKE that! Vhy do you insist that you can DO an imPRESSion of me, you svine? Haff I no feelings to be hurt?”

But like, pretend I was wearing a cape. That’s a big part of it.

(deflating & plorping sounds)

Spent hours walking around the neighborhood trying to find out where an accordion player was drowning in an outdoor pool filled with expired pudding until a member of the crew told me that was just my theme music.

Opinion Haver

If anyone were to ask me, the Opinion Haver, what it was that jazz fused with to create “jazz fusion” my response would be: garbage.

Nobody has asked me yet but I didn’t don the mantle of Opinion Haver without having full awareness of what a commitment like that might entail.

Castle Skeleton

I see the reason for the misunderstanding. No, it’s called CASTLE SKELETON not because this stone building is housing any of the skeletons that regularly sweep through the village, dragging people through the mud and causing terror.

No, it’s just that a very rich skeleton paid us for naming rights to the place. Purely transactional, no endorsement implied.

employment is down

A business card in the shape of a key.

A resume in the shape of a straitjacket with brass locks.

A job fair at the bottom of a tank of water.

down with ceiling hardware-based stereotypes

Once again I was the only person marching in protest outside the ACE Hardware, trying to change hearts and minds, convincing people that meathooks and dangling chains can be quaint “ceiling accents” and don’t have to indicate that one is in a horror movie.

we now go to our on-the-spot reporter, Shadows-On-Soft-Leaves

A community of pointy-eared forest dwellers all agree: the giant tree in the center of their leaf-thatched village sucks.

“Bark,” spat one. “Ugh.”

“I don’t see why it had to grow so high. What could possibly be up there?” added another.

“We’d burn it down,” said Dewlip, a local elder, “if we knew how.”

Future of Beef

Anyone else making it out to the Future of Beef Expo this year? Eh? Don’t want to miss the first year they showcase spacesuits you can wear WITH your cow! No one else going? Just me? Only me? I’m alone? Mine is the only ticket purchased?


The Signal: EP157

The Signal EP157 - A TV shoots some kind of laser in a blank and white animated image from an old film.

The Signal: EP157 – Exactly 45 minutes of sounds designed specifically for you, whoever you are. Who are you? We’ve got loud and soft sounds, electronic and fuzzy, punk and folk, bluesy and pirated from minidisc. Whether you’re a chair-dancer, a kitchen shimmy-er, or a drive time bopper, we’ve got you sorted.

Download by clicking on the link (or image) above. The file is available only for a limited time. If you’re interested in the tracklist, it’s in the mp3 itself, in the id3 tags. Or, if you sign up to be a member of our mailing list, The Tuned In, you’ll be among the first on the planet to know when a new mix is posted, and you’ll get a permanent archive link and the entire playlist, delivered to your inbox.

Spotify user? Here’s (most of) the EP157 playlist (sort of).