Tex’s Coffin Warehouse

Come on down to Tex’s Coffin Warehouse!

We got ALL kinds of coffins! Don’t believe us? Huh… well, how about we prove it then? Check THIS out!

Available now:

  • Mahogany
  • Pine
  • Chocolate
  • T*H*E* V*O*I*D
  • T*H*E* V*O*I*D (deluxe)
  • Flames on the Side (goes faster)
  • A bunch of birds glued together in a box shape
  • One bird glued to you then we toss you down a well
  • Tex’s personal coffin (’cause he ain’t ever gonna need it ’cause he ain’t never gonna DIE, darlin’!)
  • Redwood
  • Fern
  • Reverse Coffin (can’t be buried in it ’cause it already has a baby inside, hence the name)
  • And More!

The Signal: EP148

click here to download

The Signal: EP148 – Exactly 45 minutes of hand-picked tunes for your shell-like ears. This time out, we’ve got some slinky R&B, some jump-up-and-down Brazilian magic, a bit of hip hop, some soul, crushing guitar-led instrumental rock and what happens when you don’t dream… and MORE! Wow! Sounds good, right?

Download by clicking on the link (or image) above. The file is available only for a limited time. If you’re interested in the tracklist, it’s in the mp3 itself, in the id3 tags. Or, if you sign up to be a member of our mailing list, The Tuned In, you’ll be among the first on the planet to know when a new mix is posted, and you’ll get a permanent archive link and the entire playlist, delivered to your inbox.

Just for kicks, I’ve continued my new habit of seeing how much of the Signal mix I can recreate in Spotify. I never find all the tracks I use, but if you’re a Spotify user… there’s this limited version of EP148 available.


Thanks for supporting my Kickstarter to build a crazy straw long enough to drink the water on Mars!

Let’s look at some unlock goals!

$300K – Free crazy straw sanitizer for all backers, ’cause we’re all using the same straw and I don’t want us to all get sick

$600K – sTiCkErS!

$900K – I will cancel this Kickstarter and go live in a cave, living on a diet of your money which I will also sleep on

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Is your blood… dirty?

Do you have dirty DIRTY blood?

How can you know?

C’mon down to the abandoned mini-mall that used to have the check-cashing place and for the low low fee of a coupon from a pizza parlor for free garlic bread, our expert blood handlers will descend from the eaves and perform a simple diagnostic.

You don’t have to live with dirty blood anymore!

Don’t be the last person on your block with dirty, filthy, nasty blood in your body!


“”I’ve got three roommates, you think I’d care if one of them was an angry ghost?”

“The hardest thing to believe about that movie wasn’t the creepy doll moving about the house, but the fact that anyone lives in a house at all.”

an endless sea of other worlds

Imagine, if you will, another world much like ours, but where the word for “murder” is “burger.”

“Detective, thank goodness you’re here… there’s been a burger!”

“Please have everyone gather in the study. Don’t let anyone leave.”

The detective calmly smokes a pipe, staring into a fireplace. As everyone settles down, she turns. “Thank you all for joining us here. I’m afraid none of you may leave, because one of you… is a burgerer!”

Pretty crazy, right? It’s enough to make Rod Serling puke.

make a wish

Look, I like to give to charity as much as anyone, but are you sure this child’s dying wish was to strap me to an obsidian bench and carve out underneath my ribs such that I “form a portal through which the White and Cold Eternal Flower will bloom, enter this world and ring bells with its deep roots that can never be unrung”?

health tips

) drink water, but not water what’s got stuff in it already, just the regular kind can’t look back at you

) dirt don’t hurt

) move your limbs and if you’re too tired, try and grow some new limbs instead ’cause limb growth’ll burn calories too

) affirmations: look into a mirror and say “At least I ain’t that sorry 2D em-effer.” Then high-five that flat bastard, it ain’t their fault they’s stuck in a mirror

) purge the unbelievers with fire and sharp stones

) be grateful #tips


Just in time for summer, try on some of these social media “power moves”!

1 – A videotape of your friend to be, shot with a shaky hand from a distance. Hey! You already know where they go– and what they did. Now you HAVE to be friends!

2 – A perfumed card, delivered by carriage reading “I humbly request the gift of your friendship.”

3 – Forget friends! Shed your clothes and run over hills, free as birds! Let them find YOU, under a rock & shivering!

lost time incident 78 – always pouring, never drinking

an eternally pouring stream of milk into iced coffee

lost time incident 78
Hey everyone! How are we all doing? Good, good, good. It’s a bright, sunny Sunday here near the San Francisco Bay. Kind of near the Bay. If I was willing to walk about 20 minutes west, underneath that overpass that people are now living under, across two of the busiest local highways, past places that sell pet food and ceramic tiles, across long expanses of concrete, I could find water.

I’m not going to do that.

Instead, I woke up and made coffee. Cooked some chicken sausages. Listened to stand-up comedy. Read all of Twitter and filled my barely-awake brain with jokes and a towering dread, an easy expansion of my personal enemies list, a sense that the day is already lost, and then I took a shower. Let water beat on my head and realized that it’s possible I’ve already seen my parents for the last time.

They’re fine, by the way. They’re retired in Florida. They wrote to me recently about a trip they have planned in the UK. I just don’t see them very often, that’s all. Only a handful of times over the past 20 years.

They seem as distant and unfamiliar as my own childhood. That bookish chubby boy I barely remember being. The past is a foreign country. You can find keepsakes you picked up there, but you no longer remember exactly how you got from place to place, what you were wearing. How it felt, the distant streets under whatever-shoes-you-were-wearing-back-then.

I think I wore velcro shoes for a while. Yeah. That feels true. I once took a spill off a scooter and scraped up my knee pretty bad. A week later, as the scabs started peeling off, I found a tiny jagged peak sticking out of my knee: a broken piece of green glass buried in the healing wound, poking out like an emerald iceberg from new skin.


I spend a fair amount of time wondering about the persistence of memory, how strange it is to be pinned in the present moment between the past and future, ticking forward one second at a time, with no way to prove we’ve been anywhere or been anyone save for memory, whatever memory is.

Then I get out of the shower and think “It’s been a while since I sent out a newsletter. That’s a thing I could do.”

And here we are. You and I. Right here. One second at a time.


unread (1)

Dracula’s House of Jokes!



What do you get if you come to my grand estate outside of town beyond the mists I can have my driver pick you up ha ha ha no don’t put the part where I’m laughing that makes it sound like a trap no don’t say anything about a trap this is a nice mailing list for jokes and invitations to my estate oh it’s ruined do not send


[next billing cycle: Aug 1]


an idea born of white wine and access to a keyboard, the internet, and the social approval of strangers
okay, it’s like AIR BUD but with Dr. Frankenstein fielding an entire team of the reanimated dead, and at first you’re like: no way can they win

their limbs fall off, they’re slow, a sassy teen on an opposing team during an exhibition game spins a basketball on top of the flat head of a point guard

but montage: the team of reanimated dead get juiced to the ol’ neck bolts, lengthen their legs with extra limbs from convict graves and suddenly they’re 8 ft tall with 6 knees each

and the ref’s like “neither god nor the league wrote rules preventing this”


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“If you loved DNA, you’ll love new DNA 2! Everything you loved about DNA… and more!” said the wet creature slapping up against the lab’s bolted door.

Has this ever happened to you?

[a cell divides, then divides again]

oh noooo! Finally, there’s a better way!

[a creature with impossible limbs falls out of a tree onto a passing pedestrian]

It’s … DNA 2! All the DNA you’re used to… and some that you’re NOT!


ending theme song
I think that’s going to do it for this installment.

Oh, and before I go, my wife Amanda has been introducing me to the wonders of “hidden object games”, which are computer games that combine puzzle-solving with beautifully illustrated tableaus. A frequently used trope is: Someone you care about has been kidnapped. To get them back, you have to do a series of fetch quests, puzzle out intricate locks that no one would actually use, and sometimes pick specific objects out of crowded collections of mismatched garbage.

Of course, we gravitate towards the supernatural ones, so we’ve been playing one where our protagonist’s fiancee has been kidnapped by a drowned ghost, or a metal-faced weirdo, or both, and we don’t seem to be in a huge hurry to find her. If you want to follow along, all the videos in the series are in a playlist on YouTube.

Maybe you’ll dig it! Maybe you won’t! The important thing is: You’re still here, on this planet, orbiting a star that has yet to destroy us! So make the most of it! We have no idea why we’re here, so you can pretty much make things up as you go along! Okay!

Still here,

—Michael Van Vleet

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